The International Conference on Fatigue of Composites, ICFC, was founded in 1997.
The first conference was held in Paris (Chairmen: C. Bathias and R. Fougeres), and has successfully been followed triennially by the second conference in Williamsburg (VA, USA, 2000, Chairman: K. Reifsnider).
This series of conferences has brought outstanding progress in reviewing the present state of knowledge and providing forum to highlight fundamental and applied researches on the fatigue behavior of composite materials.
We are pleased to announce that the third conference on Fatigue of Composites (ICFC-3) will be held in Kyoto.
Fatigue of composite materials:
# Damage mechanisms: degradation process, contribution of mesoscopic components
# Influence of loading (mechanical, thermomechanical, multiaxial, loading spectra), rate effects, impact
# Modeling: damage mechanics, residual stiffness and strength, life prediction
# Manufacturing and processing effects: curing, machining, heat treatment, manufacturing defects, problems related to new processing method like RTM
# Testing and evaluation: test methods, data interpretation, sensors, nondestructive evaluation
# Industrial applications: predictive maintenance, failure analysis, accelerated testing, computer assisted design
# Damage tolerance